
Showing posts from August, 2022

Positive Meaning of Life - Introduction

This is my first blog where I'm writing about the "Positive Meaning Of Life".. I selected this Title because I have seen and have interacted with alot of people who are going through a lot of pain in life. They have started taking life in a negative way and this may be caused by many failures or having been ignored in life ❤️ Life doesn’t give free lessons to anyone. So when I say life taught me, rest assured that I paid the price Solution to Your Problems How could you make your life beautiful and change the negative things into positives?  First you  have to look at the people whom you interact with in your daily routine. Always stay away from the people who were always being close to you but then start taunting you on your weak points. Never let your worries/tensions grow too much that it's unbearable for you to breath. Remember one thing life will go on with or without you in the same pace but you will be the missing part. Never let anyone take your decisions for